About CRL – CRL Communications Consultant
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About Us
Learn about our work and meet our founder.
About Our Work

Even with the sustainable and responsible work companies carry out, many are overlooking opportunities for increased revenues, new investors, and potential ambassadors to drive change. To help companies achieve this, we align their internal and external communications, create dynamic campaigns, and construct compelling stories to communicate their ongoing commitment to sustainability, social impact and BIPOC initiatives.

Meet Cecile Rivera Llorens

Lead Consultant + Founder

Fostering Connections

Cecile, founder of CRL Communications Consultants LLC, has always been driven by the need to connect people, communities, and companies in search of a positive and sustainable future.

Creating CRL

CRL Communications Consultants LLC was created to help clients craft and align their internal and external communications and achieve a tangible impact in their industries.

A Global Citizen

Cecile has a bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature and a Peace and Conflicts Concentration from the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts (USA) and a Corporate Marketing and Communications master’s degree from IE Business School in Spain with studies in CSR.

She also holds a Circular Economy certification from Ecologing, based in Madrid, Spain.

 “YoU cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”

— Jane Goodall, Founder of The Jane Goodall Institute